The story of a Saint – written by Harsh Kumar Singh

Once there was a saint who daily used to bath in the Ganges. One day after bathing, he saw an atheist sitting on a rock. He was eating tobacco and spat it on the saint. Then the saint again went to bath without uttering a bad word to that man. After bathing the atheist again spat on him. Like this it happened 108 times, the man who was sitting and spitting, his mouth choked up because of spitting and chewing tobacco again and again. After this the man fell down and seek forgiveness from the saint. The saint replied “Oh! Why are you seeking forgiveness from me, whereas because of you, I could bath in Ganges for 108 times.”

This shows that how much tolerant and self-controlled the saint was. It is also stated in Bhagavat Gita in

Text 16.1

abhayam sattva-samsuddhir


danam damas ca yajnas ca

svadhyayas tapa arjavam

“Self control is the first quality of a demigod.” So we should be humble. So We should learn how to control our words and emotions for a positive attitude.

-Harsh Kumar Singh



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