Truthfulness – Written by Kritu

Truthfulness, this sounds like a big typical word but is something more special. The meaning of this vast word is very small in Sanskrit “satya’ which means truth. We should be truthful because there are many yogis, sadhus, vaishnavas and all who are liberated for their habit of always speaking truth. The habit of speaking truth is magnanimous. People who speak truth are really great. It is stated in Bhagavd Gita that one who is truthful and divine are always loving and dear to the supreme personality of godhead.

In many scriptures, it is stated by different great devotees that we should be truthful. If we will not be truthful, the supreme lord will not protect us because Lord cannot tolerate liars.

It is said by Mahatma Gandhi that for one lie we would have to lie hundred times. In BG(16.2) it is stated that apart from many qualities truthfulness is great and one who is truthful is divine and will really go back home back to godhead.





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