The invincible time

In our routine, day or night, spring or summer is only a  show of time. We can never speak anything without any reference to  time. Here also I had to use the word ‘never’. When we read or write  anything we are using proper tense form; either present, past or  future, which again pertains to time. 

Cause for dualities: 

The temporary material world: 

The entire material manifestation is created and  

annihiliated from time to time, as mentioned in Bhagavad Gita 8.19,  from which the temporary nature of this inferior material energy is  understood. It makes sense that only an eternal arrangement could be  the cause of such a temporary manifestation. This is revealed in the 

Bhagavad Gita 10.33, wherein Lord Krishna says, ‘evāksayah kalo’ – I  am also inexhaustible time. 

Time – The Ruler: 

In the Bhagavad Gita 10.30, Lord Krishna says, ‘kālakalayatām  aham’ – among subduers I am time, which implies we are always  under the control of Krishna, as time. 

The famous phrase ‘Everyday cannot be Christmas’ – as Prioritize  

The teacher

Permanent & temporary nature 

Creation & annihilation 

Tenses, can talk wrt time only 


Eternality of Krishna – cause of all causes (aham adir – 10.2, ajam  anadim – 10.3) 

4 problems – birth, death 


Seperates from Krishna – No time to turn to the Lord Dependance 

Kalosmi loka-ksayakrt – destroyer of everything 

Remembrance & Forgetfulness 

Fructification of karma 

Evolution – progress 

Controls everything – rules us 10.30 

Inexhaustible – 10.33 


Always in KC 

Influence on Qualities – Sattva, rajas, tamas 

Moment past is not the moment lived, but it moves us towards death. Everyday I’m heading towards Krishna. 

Sense gratification

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