Role of Spirituality in pandemic times..

‘Self Musing’, an attribute which brings spring when its posy less, which brings light when its darkness, which brings you one step closer to yourself and step farther from the little world around you. Take a moment and muse about the times you have faced lately. Does it bring a horrid scene of grumbles, grunts, impending doom, impassive people or are you hallucinating smiles, chuckles, giggles and halcyon faces. Of course the former.

It was a time when everything stopped, everything became insipid, everyone got equivocal on what’s happening and the same time it was time when one could self-muse. Enough of the negative and dismal part of the story, its time to turn attentions on the word ‘self-musing’. If today we try to muse and contemplate on what has been the ‘wild card’ or what has been the boat of winsome thoughts that has always taken us one step closer to the shore of escape or frisk.

That ‘boat’ is spirituality, which seems to be the sole savior or the ‘safety jacket’ the sullen ‘log of wood’ through which we can cross the ocean of pandemic, deaths, no of positive cases, lockdow

n, masks, hand sanitizers, and social distancing. Its only spirituality which is now becoming an important and necessary part of everyone’s lives.
When these times made us impassive, spirituality gave us emotions, when they made us mourn, spirituality gave us a reason to giggle and when they made us trees, who could not move, spirituality bore the fruits on us to be proud of.


The BHAGAVAD GITA which is not known as a spiritual book but a manual for life states:
nāsti buddhir-ayuktasya na chāyuktasya bhāvanā
na chābhāvayataḥ śhāntir aśhāntasya kutaḥ sukham
which m

eans” But an undisciplined person, who has not controlled the mind and senses, can neither have a resolute intellect nor steady contemplation on God. For one who never unites the mind with God there is no peace; and how can one who lacks peace be happy?”
(B.G 2.66)
During these troubled times, this word ‘peace’ was what everybody craved for. From the biggest people with the unambiguous amount of money to the people with not even a chapati to eat. This is what everybody wanted.
Why did we see memes describing how rich will the divorce lawyers be post COVID -19? It was because people could not dwell together in peace in and around. It was because domestic violence in the world got new heights. It was because there were only dismal faces around.
‘Self -muse’ today why did ‘yoga’ suddenly became a heal for everyone? Why did Tata Sky make ‘Tata sky fitness’ channel free of cost for one month in the lockdown. Why? It was just to somehow be cheerful, to somehow gather the mind, to somehow conceal and detain the feelings of distraught, anger, despair and doubt. To somehow find that little drop of peace.

And that is where spirituality comes into the picture, which certainly is the ‘wild card entry.’

I quoted form the BHAGAVAD GITA that only connection with the supreme can bring peace, only establishing a relationship with the supreme can bring peace and people who are not connected with the supreme in some way or the other are full of grief and are doleful.

The places of worship were closed but prayers didn’t stop. Why? ‘Self-muse’ today, why do people pray? Its because prayers give them a ray of hope, healing to their wounds, a winsome light of power which fills their mind altruistic thoughts, which finally gives them peace.
And all of this, the practice of yoga, the practice of worshipping , chanting, reading and engaging oneself in elevated tasks are just a way to connect with the supreme power. No matter you chant the names of the Lord or you sit to offer Namaz. The purpose should be fulfilled which is pellucid, to attain a position where there is escalating peace.

Spirituality does not give us the way to lead our lives, in fact it is life itself, we are all futile without spirituality. We all have enervated ourselves by our own. Spirituality energizes the inner us and that is where we meet ourselves and we finally connect with the supreme who adores us more than anybody could ever do.
So, if you want to turn out the Victors in this pandemic, then feel and enrich the power of spirituality, smell the aroma of connection with HIM and enjoy even the most mournful days of your life. The role of spirituality in pandemic time is laudable and accepted throughout the world. Even the non-believers have conceded the fact that the role spirituality is playing is a major contribution in saving the mankind from depression, distraught, pessimism and lugubrious thoughts. And its time for you to ‘Self-muse’ and find out where do you stand in the race for acquiring peace. And the most beautiful part of the story is, you are all alone in the race, just by finishing you win. Its time to get up and hunt peace down.

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