Land, Cows and Farming – Three Pillars of Wealth for any Nation

Visnu Purana 1.19.65

namo brahmanya – devaya go-brahmana – hitaya ca
Jagad – dhitaya krsnaya govindaya namo namah.


Lord Krsna, the supreme personality of godhead, is the prime protector of brahminical culture and the cow. Without knowing and respecting these, one cannot realize the science of God, and without this knowledge, any welfare activities or humanitarian propaganda cannot be successful.

  • Our ancestors lived a spiritual life, being grateful to the Lord whatever he has given and satisfied within and the backbone of our nation is agriculture, even a common man backbone was agriculture, and the backbone of agriculture is Cow – Goumatha and Bull – Dharma. Cows used to go for grazing in the fields, where ever the plants are available, and their return back home by themselves by evening. Their lead a long life say 100 to 150 Years of Duration and left the material world peacefully.
  • Our ancestors used to pasteurize the fields by Gou – Mutra and Gou – Mayam and had enough yields from the fields and were satisfied. Their use Bulls for Ploughing the fields and then sow seeds, Gomatha gives milk, which is again consumed by children, other members of the house. Their use animals as transportation medium Horse for quick delivery of messages from one kingdom to another, Elephants for lifting heavy goods, Ass for slow delivery of goods, Bulls for traveling passengers so humans and animals live together and live in a harmony.
  • Healthy life was lead by our ancestors – Grains, Milk, Ghee, Cold pressed oils, and Flours which were prepared by crushing in between saddle stones, water was sufficient as all wells were filled with rainwater. They treated health as wealth.

Srimad Bhagavatam 7.12.8 Purport:

atma – mata guroh patni brahmani raja-patnika
dhenur dhatri tatha prthvi saptaita matarah smrtah


These mothers are the original mother, the wife of the teacher or spiritual master, the wife of a brahmana, the king’s wife, the cow, the nurse and the earth.

  • Respecting all these mothers equally means human civilization. Our ancestors followed this all the way till their last breath.  Land and cow – Goumatha were treated as Mother, and as well as wealth.
  • We all the living beings now not all grateful to God, instead we are saying does god exist, instead we are polluting the air, water, land. After advancing  technology, having luxurious life , getting things at door step still we are not satisfied at all and we believe that having enough gold coins, bank balance, currency notes are strength of the every human being indeed their carry pride, anger and many unwanted desires which destroys valuable human life.
  • We are using fertilizers in the fields to get high yield, to kill insect’s insecticides, pesticides which in turn making the food poisonous. Machines are ploughing the fields, with tractors,  for taking the milk from cows milk  bag we are using machines, to get more milk we are practicing cross breeding in turn we are polluting the complete milk  and all are getting health issues, genetic disorders. Automobiles are used for transportation and there are emitting carbon gases and making ecological imbalances.
  • Healthy life is not at all expected. Since a child birth we are going to hospital and depending on medicines for our child and our selves. Consuming Processed food, Shelf foods, taking animal flesh as a daily diet which makes our body un healthy and prone to new diseases.
  •  We forgot to respect our original mother, as mother getting old we are shifting to her old age homes is it right? Way of treating mother, modern living beings are too advanced in technology but not learned human values at least 1%. So living being is not respecting any of the mothers at all.

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