The Friendship of bgis – by Akshay Gulati

Why do we need a friend?

The obvious answer is, friends make us
happy. They make life more interesting and fun. They share our tastes, our desires, our sense of humor. But real friendship is based on more than just hanging around with each other and making fun with each other.

In other words, real friends give each other virtues or so to say ‘good things’. Friends naturally try to make each other better day by day. They try to lift each other. They help each other make the right decisions and aim for worthy goals. Being a friend does not mean to do anything that your friends want you to do. Rather it means doing what you believe is best for your friends. Indirectly, it is important for you to choose your friend wisely.

Your friend might tell you what kind of a person you may turn out to be, this is what good friends do. This ultimately lifts you up unlike those bad friends who will drag you own.

So if you cannot persuade your friends to change their bad habits, then find some new friend who is the better option. Of course, for many people, finding and making new friends is a tough process. So choose wisely and don’t let yourself and your friends down.

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